We believe that children benefit most from early years care and education when parents and settings work together in partnership. Sharing information is one of the ways in which this can be achieved.
We hope you find the following list of links useful.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They regulate and inspect to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. Diggle Dandelions is Ofsted registered, number EY398906.
The Pre-school Learning Alliance is a leading educational charity specialising in the early years of which Diggle Dandelions is a member.
Diggle Dandelions is a community interest company. This website provides more information about CICs.
Oldham Family Information Service provides help, advice and support for parents and carers of children aged 0-20 years old. You can find out information on a wide range of topics relating to children and young people, as well as local events and activities for you and your family. The FIS can also help you find out if you are eligible to claim the childcare element of Working Families' Tax Credit.
The website for Diggle Primary School.
Talking Point is a website all about children's speech, language and communication. It contains everything you need to know about supporting children's speech and language development. Some children struggle to communicate, and Talking Point helps you to identify if a child is having difficulties or falling behind. If they are struggling, then it tells you what to do.
Netmums is a unique local network for Mums (and Dads) where you can access details for all kinds of local resources, from child-friendly cafes to places to go, and much, much more.
La Leche League provides friendly mother-to-mother breastfeeding support from pregnancy through to weaning.
A learning and develpment guidance booklet for parents. Please feel free to discuss any questions with your child's key worker.
If you find a website that you feel may be useful to other parents, please e-mail us the details and we may be able to add it to the list.